HUD Experience

  • HUD Domain and Systems Experience
    We have experience providing application development, Operations and Maintenance, data management, Business Analytics, solutions architecture, and Interface development support to various HUD program offices including PIH REAC, ONAP, PD&R, Housing, OSPM, OCIO, FHEO, OIG and ODGMO.

  • HUD Internal and External Interface Support
    Includes managing data interfaces across HUD program offices for PD&R PARIS and Enterprise Geographical Information System (eGIS); External interfaces with other federal agencies including SSA, HHS (NDNH Data),, and Veterans Affairs

Company Information

DUNS #: 11-7598997


Certifications: SBA 8(a)

GWAC: 8(a) STARS III Contract No: 47QTCB21D0144


Main: 541512

Secondary: 541511, 518210, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541618, 541690, 541720, 541990, 561110, 561210, 561410, 561421, 561499, 561990